Researcher Database
Takebe Masataka
Department / Course
Otsuma Women's University Faculty of Humanities Department of Communication and Culture
Specialized teacher
Research topic, funded research, and department laboratory expense
2019/04 ~
Understanding the process by which perceived recession promotes narrowing the range of in-group and aggression toward ambiguous members Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
I give you time because I don’t have time: Effects of sense of time scarcity on causal attribution of others’ difficulties and intention to volunteer Other grants and subsidy Hitotsubashi International Fellow Program -Outbound- Grant (2017)
Feeling poorer, giving more? Effects of money scarcity on causal attribution of others’ difficulties and intention to donate Other grants and subsidy Hitotsubashi International Fellow Program -Outbound- Grant (2016)
Perceived autonomous help and recipients’ well-being: Is autonomous help good for everyone? Other grants and subsidy Grant for English Proofreading from Hitotsubashi University (2016)
The motivation gap: Subjective social class affects achievement motivation via sense of control Other grants and subsidy Grant for Attending an International Academic Conference (2016)
Wealth and psychological benefit of donation: Before and after the Great East Japan Earthquake Research by External Competitive Fund Grant for Making a Presentation at an International Academic Conference (2015)